Joe Kent made the following statement:
Marie has shown once again that she cannot be relied on to work across party lines and serve the American people. She ran as a moderate who would secure funding for projects in the district, but her time in office has revealed her radical anti-energy stance.
The 2024 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill ends Biden’s anti-farmer bureaucratic red tape, cuts billions in Green New Deal spending, and includes funding to strengthen our national security. This is a common-sense appropriations bill that delivers results for the constituents of Washington’s Third District, and Marie Perez voted against it. She has consistently supported the radical left’s Green New Deal agenda over prioritizing American energy.
When I am in Congress, I will pursue an all-of-above energy independence strategy to tame inflation and remove our dependence on hostile nations for energy. I will oppose wasteful Green New Deal spending that hurts American families and drives up the cost of gas. Protecting our national security starts with unleashing American energy.