Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Scott Perry made the following statement:
We struggle to get done anything meaningful in Congress because we have Members like Marie Perez who put theatrics over substance and pretend to be “moderate” back home, while voting in lock-step with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and the Squad on every important vote.
Unlike Marie Perez, Joe Kent will deliver substance – by securing our dangerous open borders, stopping the flood of fentanyl into our communities, opposing the negligent and destructive spending that’s driving inflation, defending women from the biological men invading their spaces, and putting spending priorities like the I-5 bridge project ahead of foreign aid and endless wars with no endgame.
Washington’s 3rd District has an opportunity to elect a combat Veteran, a patriot, and a common-sense conservative in Joe Kent. He has earned my full support and I endorse him.
Joe Kent made the following statement:
Brigadier General and Congressman Scott Perry is an exceptional leader and the kind of congressman we need more of. I am grateful for his support and look forward to working shoulder-to-shoulder with him next year to undo the damage of the Biden-Perez years and deliver the practical solutions our constituents deserve.
Joe Kent has been endorsed by the Washington State Republican Party and by every county party in the district. Support the campaign and sign up to learn more at https://JoeKentforCongress.com.